February 2, 2025
"All Human Life Is Precious in God's Eyes"
Jeremiah 1: 4-10
For those of you who have children, remember for a minute some of the joyful moments you spent with them. And think about the joy those moments brought to you. I’m sure the time you spent with your children provided you with some very warm experiences that you will treasure for the rest of your life. For those of you who don’t have children, remember the precious moments you spent with friends and relatives. I’m sure you have fond memories of the times you were able to enjoy their presence in your life. I think it’s accurate to say that some of the best moments in our lives were spent with people, and some of those best moments might have even been caused by those people. God truly sent them into our lives to be a blessing.
Now just think how your life might not have been joyful had your children or friends or relatives been aborted, had never been given the opportunity to see the light of day. You wouldn’t have the precious memories you now have of them because they wouldn’t have been around to bring joy into your life. Just think what your life would be like. My life would be that much poorer if my children had never entered my life because they had been aborted. I’m sure you could say the same.
I think how much poorer our nation is because there aren’t about 50 million more personalities around. That’s about how many babies have been aborted since the Supreme Court handed down its decision to legalize abortion. (I realize the Supreme Court reversed its decision. But some states still allow abortion.) That’s an unbelievable amount of human lives. I believe that number surpasses the number of people who were killed in WWII.
The issue of abortion used to be centered on the question, when does life begin? At the time the Supreme Court handed down its decision in 1973, human life wasn’t thought to begin until around the middle of a woman’s pregnancy. But because of technological advances, life is thought to begin earlier. However, it seems to me that when life begins is no longer the major issue or question. The debate is now centered on a woman’s right to do what she wishes with her body, regardless if there is a life inside her womb or not. The emphasis is really “It’s all about me.” It’s this misguided philosophy that is behind the immoral, destruction of around 50 million babies since 1973--in our country alone.
In our text, it is quite clear that life comes from God Almighty. It doesn’t evolve and happen to come out of nowhere as many scientists would have us believe. All human life is created by God. And since it is, only God has the right to do as He wishes with people.
Our life is precious in God’s eyes. Human life isn’t simply an afterthought for God. From our text we get the picture that God has our lives planned out for us even before we are born. God tells Jeremiah that before he was formed in the womb, God knew him. Jeremiah was in the mind of God or plan of God, which means that humans are more than just expendable tissue at the disposal of other humans. If God puts such value on human life, then who are we to devalue it?
But you see, aborting babies is the result of people refusing to take responsibility for their sinful actions. It’s a result of the sin of selfishness within individuals. And this kind of thinking is only reinforced in the minds of people in a society that passes laws that allow such thinking and behavior.
Believe or not, this kind of thinking has made its way into some churches. Some churches have even gone so far as to allow their health plans to cover abortions. Now if the woman’s life is in danger, that’s one thing, but it is completely another thing when a woman who is employed by the church simply wants to have an abortion and her church’s health plan allows for it. It’s evident that some churches have sided with society on this issue.
But that doesn’t mean we have to go along with what is happening in our country today. We can be a voice for those who are unable to defend themselves. We can stand up for what is right in God’s eyes because isn’t it before Him that we must give an account?
Just think of our loved ones who have brought us much joy. Had we or their parents given in to society’s way of thinking, we would never have experienced the joy we did from having them in our lives. They might have been aborted.
Just think if we had been aborted. We wouldn’t have been able to experience the joy of this life. Let’s be honest, most, if not all of us, prefer life over never having had the chance to live. There is joy that we derive from this life. Life is precious.
Just as God knew Jeremiah before God had formed him in the womb, God knew us as well. He had a purpose in mind for us here on this earth. And that purpose came to fruition when we were born and continues as long as we live. God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Each of us is precious in the sight of the Lord. We may think that God would hardly notice us in a world of around 8 billion people. “We’re just another number.” But that’s not the case. Each personality on the face of the earth is valued by God.
If that weren’t the case, God would have given up on mankind a long time ago. But instead, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save human life, to give us the opportunity to complete our purpose to serve Him on earth and then depart this life to be with Him forever. This is absolute proof for the value that God places on us and on human life in general.
Now maybe some of us don’t know what God’s purpose for us is. Maybe some of us don’t even think about it. But there is a reason for the existence of all life, including you and me. Our purpose, however, is much more meaningful and grander than say the purpose of a worm or some other kind of animal.